Before you guys begin suddenly asking and making"deals" for me you have to realise it's a fanfiction not an original story, I thought stating that was enough but it wasn't since two people wanted to have "supportive questions " with me which I don't completely trust them at all, I don't know what was it that attracted these kinds of people but if I ignored you it is because you're suspicious.
Fanfictions probably by law can't be turned into actual books you can make money off enough, it is just not fair for the creator of the actual thing, who is the youtuber SacriStuff in this case. My fanfiction can be read by anyone, but it will be confusing if you haven't watched season 3 of Calculated Battlegrounds, Obsolete Battle Show. The reason I made this is because I wanted this to manifest and exist, that is all.
There was one person that promoted his discord server that I allowed though, he didn't look suspicious and was just trying to promite hisbdiscord server to help story writers, which I appreciate. look guys, if you are really were interested and impressed by the fanfiction, why don't you comment an aspect about it. Sorry about this now to any new readers.