Happyology 4 Everyone! Ever wonder what the secret to happiness is? I did when I was very young since that time I've dedicated my free time and energy to trying to figure this out I've made several wrong turns but none the less I've managed to make progress I think. Besides my own atempt at rationale and reason when trying to explain decypher or learn my lessons in life I've written many poems, short stories, and observations/essays on what I ve learned along the way. I've read many books on phylosophy, spirutality (not religion), the law of attraction and how the discovery & exploratipn of quantum physics has further proved how we are all constantly radiating out from us the primary feelings, beliefs, thoughts and energy our presence omits into the world will inevitably return to you in kind so why not focus on maintaining positive thoughts&beliefs which in turn create good thoughts and feelings. Some say that circumstances prevent them from doing this but its really quite simple and your imagination is key to produucing these despite whatever. Your present circumstance may be. what's your vibrational frequency ? My VF is Happyology!