
Anyways lol
          	Weekly obsession: The Carousel Game in the Saw films. I liked the idea of it and the way that it was sort of strategic as well. It looks cool in a creepy, psychopathic way. 
          	Everyoneheresagoodsongdontlistentoanythingelsetoday : Imaginary Parties by Superfruit. I'll try to put less Superfruit/PTX because I'm slightly biased but even if I wasn't that is a BOP. 


Anyways lol
          Weekly obsession: The Carousel Game in the Saw films. I liked the idea of it and the way that it was sort of strategic as well. It looks cool in a creepy, psychopathic way. 
          Everyoneheresagoodsongdontlistentoanythingelsetoday : Imaginary Parties by Superfruit. I'll try to put less Superfruit/PTX because I'm slightly biased but even if I wasn't that is a BOP. 


Weekly Obsession : Noise-cancelling headphones. I borrowed a pair from my dad for the past couple of days, and I live for them. The sound quality is absolutely amazing and it’s great for when I want to just sit down and draw or write.
          Everyoneheresagoodsongdontlistentoanythingelsetodayorelse : Future Friends (the song) by Sup3rfruit. It’s a great song and the music video always makes me laugh because Mitch makes the most Mitch entrance.


Oh by the way anyone here who's trying to contact me on my Discord, WhatsApp, etc, I promise I haven't died, I'm just away without my phone, and my Google Account won't let me log in from my current device :( I'll be back in a couple of days!


Ur INFP im ESFJ the only thing in common is the F to pay respec


@HelloSillyKitty Yep except I'm the turbulent type of person 


Lio we share more, we share the N(kinda), the F and the P(kinda)