
owww graciaa Keira:* y tbn feliz año nuevo


Hi I am very friend J.GG LFPE writer of the novel MY BOYFRIEND IS A CATHOLIC that page just for computers has had some cantidas of me likes. L.F.P.E was in the Cobaej. And there was much to the eti, and wanted to make a different story of a courtship, and when he learned that you started a relationship with Desidio make Catholic, but only wrote the events that happened in your relationship, you have to ask people close to you and your boyfriend to write the facts. And also had to check or eavesdrop, that there also sack more things to write. Before his death for reasons of problems in the heart three weeks before told me that if he did not finish the story, which I finished. That story hiso LFPE.
          He has excited desert anywhere. But unfortunately he died leaving a story of love, passion, excitement, religion.
          Maybe I do not believe this, but I want to give my condolensias, and regards to you and your relationship with your boyfriend.
          Congratulations on your 10 months and continue. They make cute couple, and esperi to believe me and understand.


@ jeggir  quien eres OnO