rant day: madness
im starting getting irritated with my library. urggghh i want differetiate my book and not only i don't see the date ( i know noti have the update but i still want the date!!). then i need to click one book by one book to check it already update or it was ages story and it also not helping because i need to click back because they don't allow THE DAMN RIGHT BUTTON. all the interface can use the right button for opened for anew tab. but not my book!!! i have a lot of book and patience not my virtue..
urgh i dont care!! if it's drama queen. i dont have blazing speed of internet and wifi and imagine my horror of patience when it loading for eternity and beyond because i always use the back button to check my book. and rearrange my library.
it's okay if you want me to scroll forever n evr but give me damn RIGHT CLICK BUTTON & DATE!! (if you wonder y, i can't complain to feedback or whtever because that suggestion area and feedback push my button!!)