I was nominated by @DarkMarcelHarry
So here are 20 facts about myself
1)My name is Harindee
2)I'm from Sri Lanka,a small island in the Indian ocean
3)I'm 19
4)I'm a directioner and also a Larry shipper
5)I'm Roman Catholic
6)I've completed my O levels and A Levels
7)I have a little brother who is the cutest thing
8)I hope to travel the world someday
9)Life's goal is to see my boys
10)I was educated in a convent so it wad a pretty strict environment
11)I've never had a boyfriend
12)I love rice..that's like the best food ever
13)Not that picky when it comes to colours but I'm not a fan of red..yet if there's a nice red outfit I'd buy it :) ..pink,blue and purple are on top of my list
14)Wanna persue the stage someday
15)Huge Cricket fan - Sri Lanka is awesome
16)I love 80s music
17)Pretty emotional...haha
18)I've got awesome friends :)
19)Love reading
20)I believe in the holy trinity :) ...God is great ,so have faith 'cause he'll never let you down!
I nominate @DirectionerChica and @MelaineStylinson
xx Love