
96℅ of teens won't stand up for God. Put this on your profile if you're one of the 4℅ that will.
          	90℅ of teens today would die if Facebook had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you're one of the 10℅ that would be laughing put this on your profile.
          	92℅ of girls would be dead if Justin Bieber decided breathing wasn't cool. Put this on your profile if you're part of the 8℅ who would be cracking up.
          	90℅ of teens would breakdown if Justin Bieber was about to jump off a 6 story building. 9℅ of them would grad a lawn chair and some popcorn and watch. Copy and paste this to your profile if you are the 1℅ that would run up and push him off saying "Sorry you were taking too long!"
          	YOUR THE BEST KYLIE *Laughing butt off about pushing justin bieber off* He deserves it!!!!!


OMG we listen to the same stuff. At least I think so. You have the fanfic in your list. Still that's amazing.


Seriously like anything.. But mostly Melanie Martinez, and BMTH


Yea me too. So what bands do you like 


@Batman021939  lol its amazin :)) I love meeting new people who have they same common intrests :)))


Hey I just read the your story and loved it. I would love a second part but if you have too much I would completely understand. I read your note at the end and completely understand the struggle of life.
          P.S. I love BMTH TOO


thank you I'm thinking of writing a sequel but I'm not sure yet..  


96℅ of teens won't stand up for God. Put this on your profile if you're one of the 4℅ that will.
          90℅ of teens today would die if Facebook had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you're one of the 10℅ that would be laughing put this on your profile.
          92℅ of girls would be dead if Justin Bieber decided breathing wasn't cool. Put this on your profile if you're part of the 8℅ who would be cracking up.
          90℅ of teens would breakdown if Justin Bieber was about to jump off a 6 story building. 9℅ of them would grad a lawn chair and some popcorn and watch. Copy and paste this to your profile if you are the 1℅ that would run up and push him off saying "Sorry you were taking too long!"
          YOUR THE BEST KYLIE *Laughing butt off about pushing justin bieber off* He deserves it!!!!!