
this app i swear..... one of the reasons i've unfortunately stopped leaving comments at books it's bc of the backlash, i know that it's public and all that, i honestly like some of the talks that usually emerge from those comments, but bc of one particular comment that i've made months ago i've been receiving personal attacks???? i swear y'all should read what you're writing before sending, this is sick


this app i swear..... one of the reasons i've unfortunately stopped leaving comments at books it's bc of the backlash, i know that it's public and all that, i honestly like some of the talks that usually emerge from those comments, but bc of one particular comment that i've made months ago i've been receiving personal attacks???? i swear y'all should read what you're writing before sending, this is sick


idk if it's just me but during this pandemic i've been feeling even more anxious about online interaction?? like even just a simple "how ur doing?" when i'm talking with friends comes off as if i'm doing too much at the conversation, then i overthink toooo much abt how the person will read me until.... i feel so nervous abt the simple IDEA of talking with someone that the next thing i know it's been like a week since the last time i talked with that person and I'M STILL OVERTHINKING 


thank you for adding my book onto your list! happy reading ❤️


you're so sweet! I hope you are doing well.


@ tangledgalaxies  thank you for your kindness ❤ looking forward to the reading!!


this message may be offensive
heyy long time not talking here! idk if somebody's going to read it but i just felt the need to talk about a HUGE issue here at wattpad that's been bothering me, it's so fucking sad and seeing soooo many woman (mainly young ones) standing up to defend and love toxic straight cis white man just bc they're described as "hot" at yhe stories, i KNOW it's not a rule, but it's sad to think that most of these young woman will grown up keeping this kind of mentality acting like it's okay to abuse, doing this without consent, manipulate etc just bc they're "hot". As a grown woman living in a country where more than 500 WOMEN DIE PER HOUR, it get's even sadder imagining the amount of girls here acting like these kind of men "can be healed by the right person" or whatever, if you're reading this and you feel like you or some friend it's keeping this kind of mentality PLEASE research (and help them if this is the case of a friend of yours) mainly if you're a woc and/or lgbt+ , don't EVER let a cis man treat you like garbage.


@harleyprince i completely agree w EVERY point u made. honestly this app is so money focused now its sad. in other fanfic sites like fanfiction.net & ao3 theres sub-communities & stuff like that   
            AND THANK U i literally am so shook everyday it gets closer and closer i think ill pass out when it actually does ❤️


@INTRVGALACTIC omg the feeling is mutual ❤❤❤ i was thinking more abt the topic earlier and i though that just like Wattpad has the Wattys etc to keep in touch with our favorite books, why not develop some sub-platform where they would at least try to teach the new (and mainly young) users? wheter they like it or not, there's a huge number of young women here, so why not at least TRY to teach them abt those things? even if it was just for the women's month, it would put the app to soooo much better use.
            out of topic but: I'VE GOT TO CONGRATULATE YOU ON CRIMSON ALMOST HITTING A MILLION VIEWS  i'm so proud of you  you deserve soooo much more


@harleyprince i missed u ur my wattpad bff tbh ❤️  and right i think it’s important to have these conversations across social media & call it out especially in stories so younger audiences see why that its young 