I ship Hangela more than Hessa, too. <3 Actually, I don't think After is that much special, though the Knight series are truly the most special, and amazing, and heart-breaking books in the world.
@SophiaStyles4 Yes, I have but my favorite book in the series will always be KNIGHT :). And I agree, Hangela's love is very special and Mariam portrayed their feelings for each other so well.
@Atlantis94 Heyyy, lol yeah we haven't. Idk I guess we've both been busy with life. But thanks, if you love that back ground you have gone insane over the pervious one. But anyways how've you been?
hey! I just answered your message, even though you sent it like 3 months ago .-. I'm terribly at answering messages but I've finally found more time to check them out.
@completelyinsanee NICO IS THE BAE & Leo. I love them both. At the end of Mark of Athena when Annabeth tricked Arachne into weaving her own jail I thought that was genius. But then that bitch freaking pulled them both into the tardis.
@completelyinsanee I've had it for months but I've been so scared to continue. Firstly the little authors note at the beginning where he laughed at the cliff-hanger from Mark of Athena. I was just like omigod, it's gonna happen again in House of Hades. Then one of my friends told me that Nico had a crush on Percy and I was just like WTF?! my only book crush. But in a weird way I'm cool with it but gahhh