Gosh guys in so freaking sorry I disappeared on yall
Life kinda trashed motivation for alot of things, and I lost my password to this account and my recovery email until just now. I haven't really been working on Trail of Shadows lately, given my homebrew dnd campaign set in Albon. Lots of worldbuilding going on so hopefully when I pick writing back up again, it'll be of better quality.
Though along that note, I've been thinking about how I've structured ToS and thinking of including other character POVs on a larger scale than just different perceptions of events n stuff. If I do decide to try this, updates will probably be really slow, but I'm gonna try to get back to actually writing again. I'm still pretty unsure about this so let me know what you guys want, oki?
Sorry again for the huge delay, I hope to have a chapter (or maybe lil side-snippets) for yall by May. Happy 2021, and yall stay safe and stay healthy out there