
'Chained to the Silent Call' has now been discontinued.
          	If you want to know why, read Chapter 12, 'Author's Note'.
          	Thank you all for supporting me and reading my story!
          	It means so much to me!
          	Support me on other social media's!
          	I do digital art!
          	@ harmonyreborn
          	Thank you all.
          	-harmony <3


'Chained to the Silent Call' has now been discontinued.
          If you want to know why, read Chapter 12, 'Author's Note'.
          Thank you all for supporting me and reading my story!
          It means so much to me!
          Support me on other social media's!
          I do digital art!
          @ harmonyreborn
          Thank you all.
          -harmony <3


The tenth chapter of "Chained to the Silent Call" has now been published!
          Chapter name is, "Fix Your World"
          Feedback is always appreciated!
          Sorry chapters are taking awhile! I'm struggling write/have ideas, I'm getting back into it though! Thank you for your support!
          -harmony <3


If you are struggling and need help, please, call one of these hotlines;
          Lifeline - Provides 24-hour crisis counselling, support groups and suicide prevention services. Call 13 11 14.
          Beyondblue - Aims to increase awareness of and and . Call 1300 22 4636, 24 hours / 7 days a week.
          Butterfly Foundation - ED HOPE, is a free, confidential service that provides information, counselling and treatment referral for , and and related issues. Call 1800 33 4673, 8am-midnight AEST / 7 days a week.
          eHeadspace - Provides mental health and wellbeing support, information and services to young people aged 12 to 25 years and their families. Call 1800 650 890, 9am-1am AEST / 7 days a week.
          Suicide Call-back Service - Provides 24/7 support if you or someone you know is feeling suicidal. Call 1300 659 467.
          Or speak to a parent, best friend, someone close to you. I know getting help is scary, it is a big step, but I believe in you, you can do it! Please talk to someone <3 I love you all! Please be safe.
          -harmony <3