Things about Silas
- Man can't sit properly, without his damn wind-up key pushing him forward or lying down on his back, without his key pushing him upwards-
- He obviously is very depressed and tends to be pessimistic 100% of the time. He struggles to find pleasure in most things, things that would typically make another person happy and whenever he does happen to enjoy something, his depression sabotages his feelings and makes him believe that he's not worthy enough to be happy. And most of the time, he believes himself
- Silas really does prefer to be hidden away somewhere and left alone, when it comes to having to deal with drama. He just has too much going on in his head and he doesn't want more drama to make that worse
- Silas has scars on his arms from trying to c*t himself, but since his skin is not skin at all, he doesn't bleed and he can't feel pain either. Not physical pain anyway
- Silas has a relatively low s*x drive, his depression causing him to feel extremely unmotivated to do anything really and because of his inner hatred for humanity, he finds s*x disgusting