
Guys I just wanted to let you know that My Morphine is FINALLY complete! I will be posting the last couple of chapters and then three epilogues in the following few days! Thank you guys so much! 


Formal apology for being the worst updater ever, I promise I have not forgotten about you and the book will be finished. I’m working on a couple of other projects at the moment as well as trying to finish My Morphine. I’m so excited to end this fic though and share what else I’ve got up my sleeve with you! Thank you endlessly for your patience :) xx - clara 


Hello my little turtledoves! I know I've been a little AWOL lately, but I promise it was for good reason. I've been working on another book that I think you all will love, or at least I hope you do. Anyways, I'll be posting the the first chapter soon and would love your thoughts. I also just posted the new chapter of My Morphine and plan to start posting more regularly now that I've got this other one up and running. xx


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Hey guys, I'm actually overwhelmed by the love on My Morphine, I genuinely didn't think anyone would read it and I know it's not huge or anything, but each of you who have been reading it mean so much to me. Enough with the sappy shit, I actually have another book in the works that I need your guys opinions on. I think you'll like it but I don't have very much written so the updates will probably be slow. If you guys want me to start posting it I will, but just keep in mind it won't be my first priority. Feel free to DM me or reply to this with your thoughts or any questions about said book. I'm sorry this is long, but again, thank you all for the love, I love you! - clara xx