
Hello. My name is Emily. I think my writing isn't complete trash. I'm like Tavros. I have self confidence. Even though according to Vriska his self confidence is totally fake. Speaking of Homestuck, yes I like Homestuck. But I have other interests. Like Dan and Phil, bands, (FOB, P!ATD, MCR, etc.) anime, and basically the internet in general. I ship Frerard, Phan, Javros, and a couple more ships. 


Hello. My name is Emily. I think my writing isn't complete trash. I'm like Tavros. I have self confidence. Even though according to Vriska his self confidence is totally fake. Speaking of Homestuck, yes I like Homestuck. But I have other interests. Like Dan and Phil, bands, (FOB, P!ATD, MCR, etc.) anime, and basically the internet in general. I ship Frerard, Phan, Javros, and a couple more ships.