
Hello everyone. I just wanted to say sorry for not posting anything for so long. I'm alive and doing as fine as I can - sorry for any worries.
          	I have full time job, so I work long hours and have to go to bed at a reasonable time most days of the week, and life has been going through some serious changes. So working on writing has been and will go slow, but I really want to dive into it again as much as I can.
          	I'll be going through my stories at the moment, which will take some time to get through all of them; posted and ones I've never posted yet. 
          	I may want to rewrite some altogether honestly; it's been a while since I touched them, so I may want to head into a totally different direction now or think that I can do it better now - or for whatever reason I may have. Others I may go on with, or change some stuff around. I of course have new ideas and stories that I've been working on too - although slowly as a snail. Some that I never posted I may want to scrap or take ideas for other stories after going through them however. It all just depends on what I'm feeling and what I think might be for the best.
          	Writing is one of my favorite hobbies, I want to really get back into it and hope that someone else has as much fun reading it as I do working on it. It's not my job though, so please don't expect updates and new chapters everyday or even on a schedule. It's something I do for fun and want to share the fun with others.
          	Thank you for all the patience and kindness! Sorry again if I worried anyone, wasn't my intention.


Harrish all I have to say is GET THAT BREAD 


@harrish6 I hope one day you will either continue or rewrite Red Daffodils, and concentrate on what's important to you take your time because your health and life is more important.


@harrish6 I’m a new follower of you, and it was really worrying to see you suddenly stop. But I’m glad to know you are okay. I really love the falling in a different destiny old story and the rewrite aswell, especially Mr. Erratum. <3


I know you've moved on from this n stuff but I just wanted to say I'd just recently started reading your books. (Ik they're not reading this guys, I just like typing and talking like I'm actually talking to the person my attention is directed towards)
          I've got to say, I really love your books and support you fully in your endeavors as well as how you've moved on from the Undertale fandom but me and the other 2k+ followers will always be here! (Unless something happens)
          —✧— Starrdūst —✧—


Hey, I read the other posts here, I don't know you or your stories myself but from the looks of it everyone here loves, not only your stories, but you, so we want to make sure you're okay, even if you're done making stories. Can you please confirm if you're still alive at the moment? Everyone is worried that something happened.


Hey, I’m not sure if you’ll ever see this, but I really want to thank you.
          It might sound silly, but it was thanks to your stories that I found the strength to get through the toughest moments of my life. Without you, I probably wouldn’t be here today.
          Thank you so much, Harrish. I hope you’re doing well."