Into the Future: With the exception of Thor and Wonder Woman, the Avengers and Super Hero Girls become trapped in the 30th century which Kang the Conqueror rules over. With the help of an elderly Thor, elderly Wonder Woman and and the local rebels, the Avengers and Super Hero Girls try to beat the future robots of Kang the Conqueror. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
Seeing Double: After Hulk, Supergirl and Black Widow defeat Abomination, Hulk and Supergirl is ambushed and captured by HYDRA agents. Upon alerting Captain America, Batgirl, Bumblebee and Iron Man upon trailing the HYDRA Agents to Siberia, Black Widow discovers that Baron Strucker has reactivated the Red Room program where she meets his student Yelena Belova. Black Widow also discovers that Baron Strucker is using the Winter Soldier program to turn Hulk and Supergirl into the Winter Hulk and Overgirl. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
A Friend in Need: Vision assists the Avengers in their fight against Cobalt Man. Afterwards, Vision takes friendship lessons from Thor who takes him to Asgard to show how his friends helped him in defeating Ulik, Harokin, Fenris Wolf, Fafnir, and Loki. After Ulik briefly breaks out, Vision ends up taken over by Ultron until Vision fights his control enough for Ultron to take control of the Destroyer Armor. When Ultron in the Destroyer Armor arrives on Earth, Vision must help the Avengers defeat Ultron. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)