

Here is a couple more spellings errors that you haven't fixed and I forgot to mention: Only Falcon not Captain Falcon (it's another character from F-Zero); Jane Foster she's a Valkyrie now; Nick Fury not Nick fury; Super Hero Girls not Superhero girls; The Invinci-Bros not Invinic-bros; Justice League not Justice league; Ringmaster not Ringleader; Human Cannonball not Human Cannon Ball; Wrecking Crew not Wrecking crew; Monica Rappaccini not Monica Rappanccini; Black Order not Black order; Supergiant not Super Giant; Megrim not Metric; Killmonger Erik Killmonger/N'Jadaka not Killmonger Erik Killmonger (because N'Jadaka his real name); DC Super Villain Girls not Dc super villain girls; Lena Luthor not Lana Luthor; Dex-Starr/Dexter not only Dex-Starr (because Dexter his real name); Red She-Hulk not Red She hulk; Both Scarlet Spiders not Both Scarlet spiders.


@ProshinParadise Dude you've gotta stop, the more you message the less and less I want to write, you're putting me on a ticking clock here so back off. It's not helpful, I don't want to block you but you have to be patient. Some things come easy for me and others don't so I need time, so stop bregading me with ideas that are...well there's no soft way to say it, hackish and unoriginal, so be patient don't constantly fill my messages, and be patient, I have a lot going on in my life


@ProshinParadise Seriously? You're not going to stop at the end!


The guy downstairs is harassing you a little, no?


@harrisonwellsfan999 I just want to help. That's why I send you ideas, and you decide whether to add them or not.


@harrisonwellsfan999 It's more like spam than anything else, the guy makes the same messages several times...


Into the Future: With the exception of Thor and Wonder Woman, the Avengers and Super Hero Girls become trapped in the 30th century which Kang the Conqueror rules over. With the help of an elderly Thor, elderly Wonder Woman and and the local rebels, the Avengers and Super Hero Girls try to beat the future robots of Kang the Conqueror. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
          Seeing Double: After Hulk, Supergirl and Black Widow defeat Abomination, Hulk and Supergirl is ambushed and captured by HYDRA agents. Upon alerting Captain America, Batgirl, Bumblebee and Iron Man upon trailing the HYDRA Agents to Siberia, Black Widow discovers that Baron Strucker has reactivated the Red Room program where she meets his student Yelena Belova. Black Widow also discovers that Baron Strucker is using the Winter Soldier program to turn Hulk and Supergirl into the Winter Hulk and Overgirl. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
          A Friend in Need: Vision assists the Avengers in their fight against Cobalt Man. Afterwards, Vision takes friendship lessons from Thor who takes him to Asgard to show how his friends helped him in defeating Ulik, Harokin, Fenris Wolf, Fafnir, and Loki. After Ulik briefly breaks out, Vision ends up taken over by Ultron until Vision fights his control enough for Ultron to take control of the Destroyer Armor. When Ultron in the Destroyer Armor arrives on Earth, Vision must help the Avengers defeat Ultron. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)


Valhalla Can Wait: Thanks to the tricks of Loki, Supergirl, Hulk and Thor are tricked into a battle and transported to Valhalla to find out who is the strongest once and for all. But under Hela's rule, only the loser of their contest may return to Planet Earth while the winner will become her consort and champion. While this is happening, Loki uses Hela's horn to unleash an army of skeletons to invade Earth. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
          Into The Dark Dimension: On Halloween, Doctor Strange and Zatanna comes to Iron Man, Bumblebee, Wonder Woman, Hulk, Green Lantern and Thor for help when Mindless Ones and winged demons from the Dark Dimension appear on Earth. When Dormammu briefly appears near Stark Industries Arc Reactor, he manages to steal the Eye of Agamotto from Doctor Strange and absorbs Dark magic from Zatanna. Now Iron Man and Doctor Strange must put aside their differences in science and magic in order to reclaim the Eye of Agamotto, Zatanna's Dark magic and defeat Dormammu before he makes plans to conquer Earth and other dimensions. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
          Dehulked: Bruce Banner's former classmate Igor Drenkov leads his group called the SteelCorps in a fight against the Avengers at Stark Industries and uses a gamma energy-stealing weapon on Hulk. Now depowered, Bruce has to show the other Avengers he is still their teammate, as Drenkov plans to use the stolen gamma energies to become the hero he wanted to be. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
          The Conqueror: The Avengers and Super Hero Girls try to stop A.I.M. from stealing high-tech weapons from the future ever since it was discovered that they upgraded the gear of Whiplash and Spymaster. Their fight with A.I.M. attracts the attention of the 30th-century warlord Kang the Conqueror since it was his technology that A.I.M. used as he takes control of the A.I.M. Agents present. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)


All-Father's Day: Odin comes to the Avengers Base demanding his son cease his "fun" on Earth and return to Asgard. Thor promises that if he can't prove the good he does on Earth he'll return home forever. Of course this proves to be a problem when Mangog arrives on Earth to get revenge on Odin. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
          By the Numbers: The Avengers and the Legion of Doom have a huge confrontation that leaves the team forever changed. Iron Man also learns that "the stats" can't be trusted every time as there's no substitutes for human intuition. This even proves a point to Iron Man when the Avengers and the Legion of Doom target the Tesseract. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
          Guardians and Space Knights: When Galactus attacks Earth, Iron Man is able to lead him to another planet. The Avengers follow, only to discover that the planet is populated and under the protection of the Guardians of the Galaxy. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
          Crime and Circuses: When the Circus of Crime (consisting of Ringmaster, Strongman, the Great Gambonnos, Human Cannonball, and Princess Python) rolls in to town, Hawkeye's dark past begins to surface and puts the Avengers in danger. When Ringmaster mind-controls the other Avengers and Super Hero Girls except War Machine and Bumblebee, Hawkeye learns that being honest to his teammates is more important than trying to hide his mistakes from his past. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
          Exodus: Iron Man's confidence is shaken after he inadvertently puts War Machine in harm's way. When the Legion of Doom pulls the trigger on its final plans, Iron Man has to put aside his personal dilemmas and become the leader he was born to be. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
          The Final Showdown: With the Tesseract now in the hands of the Cosmic Luthor, the world is in catastrophic peril. Iron Man realizes that working with the Legion of Doom might be their only chance for a victory. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)


Hulk's Day Out: When Hulk crash-lands on Earth with amnesia, the Avengers reconstruct a day-in-the-life of Hulk to find out what world-ending threat could have knocked out The Strongest There Is. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
          Planet Doom: After a brief argument with his father Odin over his obsession with Midgard, Thor returns to find Earth under the rule of Doctor Doom, who has changed the past drastically to ensure that the Avengers and Super Hero Girls never formed. Thor must team up with this timeline's Defenders to defeat Doctor Doom and undo the time change that Doctor Doom committed. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
          Bring on the Bad Guys: While meeting with Ocean Master, Dracula, and MODOK, Lex Luthor decide that the Legion of Doom needs to be more cooperative if they are going to be defeat the Avengers team. The Avengers starts to see how tough the Legion of Doom really is and how much strength they will need to take it down once and for all. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
          Savages: When Tony becomes too reliant on his tech, Diana challenges him to go without it for one full day. The challenge is accepted but made far more complicated when Tony takes them to the Savage Land. During this time, they discover Justin Hammer in his latest "get into the Legion of Doom scheme" that involves mining the Savage Land for a massive Vibranium deposit as well as Iron Man encountering the local Rock Tribe. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
          The Ambassador: The Avengers and Super Hero Girls puts their lives at risk to protect Doctor Doom from the Legion of Doom, who target him as he is speaking at the United Nations due to his refusal to join them. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)


I had an idea about some episodes. Ghost of a Chance: After the Avengers fall victim to the body-swapping Space Phantoms, Spider-Man stands alone to save his team and stop a full-scaled invasion of Planet Earth. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
          The Serpent of Doom: Thor believes he must sacrifice himself to save the world from Doctor Doom when he summons the Midgard Serpent using a powerful Asgardian weapon stolen from Ulik. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
          Blood Feud: The Avengers and Super Hero Girls face-off with Dracula and his vampire army after Dracula had partially converted Batgirl into a vampire. It's a race against time to stop Batgirl from becoming a full vampiress. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
          Super-Adaptoid: The Avengers and Super Hero Girls are out-gunned by the high-tech, power-mimicking Super-Adaptoid when it was created by Lex Luthor and Justin Hammer. Wonder Woman is the last hero standing against the ultimate artificial intelligence. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
          Depth Charge: During a fight with a giant monster, Hulk figures out that something has caused it to run scared into Metropolis as the Avengers notice a tidal wave approaching. They discover that Ocean Master is trying to sink Metropolis with his army of Atlanteans. Hulk is forced to prove his strength or perish trying. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
          Doomstroyer: While in Asgard's Realm Below, Doctor Doom takes command of the Destroyer armor. Thor has to convince the team to trust the one person who may be able to stop him, who turns out to be Loki. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)
          Avengers and Super Hero Girls: Impossible!: While on the run from the Chitauri, Impossible Man makes Bumblebee and Spider-Man the stars of his own action movie following their fight with the Wrecking Crew. Things get worse when a Chitauri scouting party arrives in search of him. (from Avengers Assemble TV series)


@ProshinParadise iron man 2020, ends of the earth, blood hunt, war of the realms, devils reign, house of m, stuff like that will be big events


@ProshinParadise that’s it stop sending these ideas, I’m not using the tv shows in their entirety to make my story, it doesn’t give a lot to work with it sets permitters I might use the premise of a few of these but I’ll likely go for more comic accurate things or make my own premise but again it’ll likely be more comic like, so please stop sending ideas from the shows, it would be too much of a rip off anyway


Nick Fury talk to Wolverine:
          — Fury…? — Wolverine 
          — Or incredible simulation. What do those senses a'yours tell you? — Nick Fury 
          — You aren't Fury. The body, maybe… not the mind. — Wolverine 
          — You got the right, Logan. I'm so much more than ever i was. — Nick Fury 
          — Took a happy pill, did ya? — Wolverine 
          — Keep up the tough guy act, Logan. Like you got no feelings under all that regenerated flesh. We know better. — Nick Fury
          — Well, ain't that special. — Wolverine 
          — That's it. Keep pretendin' you don't know what Fold could mean to you. — Nick Fury 
          — The Fold, huh? So, that makes me what? The wolf? — Wolverine 
          — You know what we got that you don't. The free and open knowledge of every person in the world. — Nick Fury 
          — You aren't got that, Fury — Wolverine 
          — Not yet. But we will. And it'll include everything everyone knows… including every detail about your past. — Nick Fury 
          — I already got that. — Wolverine 
          — Right. Except how many times you been fooled by fake memories whatnot? You tellin' me you wouldn't what to know. 100% for sure, who you really are? — Nick Fury 
          — At the price of callin' my own shots? Pass. — Wolverine 
          — That's what you say now. But in the end, you're gonna thank me, Logan. — Nick Fury


@harrisonwellsfan999 Then watch the walkthrough of this game on YouTube.


you played Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2? In the story, at the end of the game, the characters are fighting a collective mind created by nanotechnology. He was created by Iron Man and Mr. Fantastic from Tinkerer's work to control supervillains. They used this when the Civil War event happened (to defeat Captain America and his supporters). But the system later got out of control. Nick Fury knew about this and tried to warn Stark and Cap, but they didn't listen to him and everyone wanted to win the war. But when the situation got out of control, they realized their mistake. Fury supposedly died in the Negative Zone, but in reality he was captured and exposed to nanites. Play Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2.


Nick Fury talk to Thor:
          — Colonel…? Can that be you…? — Thor
          — It sure can, Goldilocks. And it is. — Nick Fury 
          — Wait. That countenance is familiar, aye, but there is something different too… — Thor
          — That's because I'm in the Fold now, Thor. — Nick Fury 
          — “The Fold”? Is that what the vile collective mind calls itself? — Thor 
          — There's nothing “vile” about. It's the most beautiful thing we humans ever brought to this damn planet. — Nick Fury 
          — Thy mind is addled, Colonel! Midgard’s mortals have no need to unify their faculties thusly! — Thor 
          — I don't have time to bat this around with you, Thor. If you want save your friends in Stark Tower, you'll join us. Willingly. Otherwise… — Nick Fury
          — The son of Odin does not that kindly to threats! Were it not for your possession by this collective mind. Thor would- — Thor
          — Blah, blah, blah. Once you join us, Thor? That “charmingly archaic” speech pattern of yours will be the first thing to go. — Nick