I'm really missing one of my old friends. Their name was frozenowl and I have no idea what happened to them. I just logged on one day and they were gone. Would any of you know who they are? Or any way I could get in touch with them? I really miss them.
Hey! your stories are amazeballs! They have so much feel to them! DJ_frost recommended me to start reading and I fell in love with your stories instantly! thx for bein amazeballs! Sarah out
I'm really missing one of my old friends. Their name was frozenowl and I have no idea what happened to them. I just logged on one day and they were gone. Would any of you know who they are? Or any way I could get in touch with them? I really miss them.
Oh dear lord. I just went to message an old friend of mine named frozenowl and it looks like they've closed their account. Frozenowl, if you're reading this on a different account, I miss you and you should message me because you're cool.