
I had a spelling bee at my school and I aced the written work, got to the next level, and studied for it day and night.I was like 7 and I learnt how to spell "bibliography" and many other words like that. When we got there, and I had to spell out loud, I didn't get Bibliography, I got "Fiery" and to this day, I have trouble knowing how to spell words "ie" or "ei". 
          It's horrible.


@quillleviosa Ugh I can totally relate. Is it a good thing that I'm glad that I'm not the only one going through this dilemma?


Read your pres and realized that you're someone worth following. And no, my choice had nothing to do with me liking that sweater on you. Ok, maybe a little bit. But you won me over with all that crap you wrote that's bound to make girls go 'awww...' You're awesome... except for the cat bit. Personally I fucking hate cats.... they symbolize laziness. But I can overlook that... but only if you follow me too!!


In my defense, you asked us to be creative.


@harryrichardsen Haha... maybe. I enjoy messing with people with ask. Chinese mobster would be me as well... =D


@AwwILoveYouToo Ahh so you've been hovering around my ask account? :p