
sorry for not updating ive been on vacation im sorry ! 


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Hey hope you are all doing well! My update for "I'll Look After You" was supposed to be updated today, but sadly I am sick. I got some of the update done but I felt like complete shit so I decided to post the update a day late. I'm sorry for not updating everyday or every other day like I said but I will try my best to do every other day. The update will hopefully be up tomorrow and maybe I'll double update because right now the story is quite boring. It's just the beginning though, don't lose faith in this story guys! I promise it will get more exciting as the chapters go on. Thank you so much for reading it means a lot, over 100 people have read my fic that's crazy to me and its only been a few days maybe a week since I posted it. I was also thinking of posting a fan fic recommendations type think comment letting me know if you would like that because I have come across some amazing fan fics and I would love to share them with you.  Don't forget to follow my twitter: muchloveH
          -lauren :)