
Hello angels, 
          	if you didn’t get notified from twitter or wattpad, we did a double update today... surprise? the second update was posted just a few minutes ago. we wanted to give you a little something for being so patient the past few days. 
          	hope you all enjoy them and we’ll see you soon! 
          	love you! 


Hello angels, 
          if you didn’t get notified from twitter or wattpad, we did a double update today... surprise? the second update was posted just a few minutes ago. we wanted to give you a little something for being so patient the past few days. 
          hope you all enjoy them and we’ll see you soon! 
          love you! 


Only Angel's is a One shot book as well as request one. Our characters can just have been in a long term relationship or have just met, they'll always be in different scenarios with what if requested ou the ideas we come up with.
          Sorry if we didn't explain correctly that it's not a proper book with the same story, we create multiple stories from what our views want at the moment. 
          I hope you still enjoy our book and comment what you'd like to see in future chapters.


hello angels, 
          hi it’s mads, ive seen some people confused so I just wanted to clarify that Only Angel’s is basically a one shot book. Each chapter will be a different scenario (unless specified) using the same characters. So, there’s really no story line, just a lot of smut. hehe 
          I hope this helps anyone that was feeling confused.
          You’ll be seeing us soon angels. 


hello again angels, 
          me and izzy have been talking and we want to make it our priority for everyone to feel safe and respected. when requesting, we hardly have any limits but one hard limit is that anything we write will be based around consent and trust for all characters involved. consent is very important something we don’t take lightly. so, keep that in mind when requesting please. 
          we love you lots xx
          -mads and izzy