@WhatUpHarryStyles Its Quran, and do you see me reading stuff from the bible that are cruel or untrue. Even though their are many statements that are like that. But apparently your not even looking at the holy Quran your just listening to the media. Please look at Islam without the media brainwashing you, actually research the Quran and read it, but remember that no language can be exactly translated to another language. So, don't believe every hater of Islam when they translate the Quran, because their are some words where they aren't correctly translated. It also dosent help that Arabic is the most complicated language in the world. Also, please if you wouldn't mind show me where it apparently says that we should kill everybody who is non muslim. Lastly, which american would willingly cover their body and face, because if i know americans (cuz i am one) they are very strong minded and will fight for their right. and not all muslims where a head cover, but all these uneducated people try to reason the unfairness and cruelty about the headscarf. When really the headscarf is their to protect women, cause honestly this world has sex offenders, rapists, pedophiles ect. and when you cover yourself you are protecting yourself from the hungry eyes of these people, you don't have to cover your face, but you have to be modest about your clothing and honestly the Hijab (what the head scarf is called in Arabic) is all about modesty.
Asallam Walaykum,