depression is a motherfvcker. i've been dealing with a lot of stuff since about november, and that's why i've been nonexistent. my boyfriend at the time (we are no longer together) said that writing was taking me away from the relationship and for some stupid reason i listened to him. i came close to deleting this account a few times because that's how much this boy meant to me. after catching him cheating two times and being suspicious of a few others, i decided that i didn't need someone who didn't understand me, my depression, my anxiety, and my eating disorder in my life. so, i broke up with him. i became very depressed and started to believe the things he used to say: my depression is a problem, i'm fvcked up, i don't deserve life, i'm only good for one thing, etc. i've been working on bettering myself and figuring out who i am as a person and so here i am, alive and on my way to recovery. i can't wait to grow in my writing and as a person with you guys once again and work on figuring out what exactly my purpose is. i love all of you, and i'm happy to be back. <3