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TW// Mass shooting They were just babies… they hadn’t even started their life fr. this is so fucking gross. stricter gun laws aren’t a want they are a necessary need to protect our lives. How can we have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness with a fear of losing our lives everytime we leave the house. we can’t even leave our kids at school without being fearful. we can’t go in grocery stores without being fearful. we can’t do anything without being fearful. a life in fear is not a life at all. what the fuck is liberating about losing our BABIES, our grandparents, and all of our love ones to violence of a gun that shouldn’t even be in the hands of the abuser. How are we supposed to be happy in these conditions? What are we supposed to do? wait until we’re next? This is so terrible and to everyone who don’t believe in stricter gun laws. this… this is what happens without it. praying for all the families involved. please be careful out here y’all and cherish life to the fullest. it’s so short and i’ll be praying for y’all too.