In a world once brimming with magic, Viona Nightrose, a pure-blooded heir to a powerful lineage, lives in relative peace with her three older brothers, sheltered from the ever-growing darkness. But their sanctuary shatters the day the Dark Lord, Ronan Bloodbane, conquers the realm with an iron fist, spreading fear and tyranny. As a symbol of his dominance, Ronan gifts his brother, Alaric Bloodbane, Viona—the perfect vessel to carry on their bloodline. But Alaric, a cold and calculating anti-hero, is not just drawn to her for the power her bloodline offers. He is consumed by an obsessive desire, one that threatens to unravel everything Viona has ever known. Bound by fate and magic, Viona must navigate the dangerous and twisted bond with Alaric while the world around her falls into shadow, with no escape from the darkness that now claims her heart.