
Should I start a house of the dragon fanfic???


Heyyy everyone! Just wanna let you know there’s another lookism book out now! With 2 chapters! It’s called ‘apart of you’! If you love seongji yuk from the previous chapters of lookism he is in the book and will be alive in it as well. Since he does t have enough fanfics of him already so I’ll make the book about him. Check it out when you can!
          Best love ❤️ 


Hello everyone!!! I just posted another lookism book. I hope this one will catch your attention and interest for those who are more interested in the newer chapters than the old ones. Never forget who you are chapter will hopefully be out next week. But for now enjoy the newest book and chapter of my Lookism fanfic Apart of You. HAVE AN AWESOME DAY MY DUDES.


Dear author this is your reader and I had finally had the time to read the new lookism book you put out and I love it and hope you keep it up love your reader


Hi I just wanted to say that I love your work on the lookism and hope you still continue it.✨


OMG this already sounds amazing I hope to read it soon. 


            OMGOSH this brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for your kind words. I’ll most definitely be continuing the lookism book for sure I’m also think of another one soon but maybe till NEVER FORGET WHO YOU ARE is up to about 20 to 30 chapters. Maybe one where Jake and an MC are like childhood friends and her mother was in the gen 0 with jakes dad and elite aka Charles Choi. Strongest woman on Seoul. It’s a thought.


Just a heads up I will be discontinuing my seven deadly sins fanfic one sweet goddess mael x oc.
           I couldn't catch up with the anime or manga anymore, so I have no idea what's going on or things to write along with no motivation to type it either. I'll keep it posted for those who enjoy what's there already but just so you know I will be no longer updating for it.
          Sorry y'all :(


HEYYY New chapter for my lookism fanfic is out now! 
          This is also going to be a new coming fanfic soon to be release if there are those who like DC Fanfics spread the word because I am creating one of the INJUSTICE UNIVERSE. For those who are be fans of it. It will be based on the surviving child of superman who's life was imprisoned in the watchtower longing and wish to see earth. Most of the story will be from the comic some from the movies and a bit from the games. 
          Depends if the fanfic gets good view and likes I'll do my best to keep updating. There will be a one shot book coming soon not sure what it will be based on but still think of fresh new ideas.
          HAVE A AWESOME DAY! >u<


Sorry if I haven’t updated in months y’all I haven’t found the motivation to right again. Maybe sometime soon when I find the will to write hopefully it will be enough to finish some of the fanfics or maybe even catch up on most of them depending in the series they’re based on. Xp Sorry for being a lazy ass I’m kinda still new to this sort of thing.
          But let me know if y’all are desperate for more chapters of any of the fanfics I’ve got and I’ll see what I can provide or maybe throw in some request on something new. I might be making a one shot book soon I feel like those might be more interesting than my oc fics and maybe a bit easier who knows :/
          Hope to here y’all’s thoughts soon.