
I'm sorry guys.. but I need to tell you something .. I will delete all the stories I created. Sorry .. I'm trying to keep it going but I can't .. Fyi, I had depression at the time and it took a long time to get through it. so I hope you all understand especially to my readers and followers. Srsly, I feel so bad..I'm so sorry .. If you all want to unfollow me, then please don't hesitate to do it .. Sorry for the grammar mistakes. 


I'm sorry guys.. but I need to tell you something .. I will delete all the stories I created. Sorry .. I'm trying to keep it going but I can't .. Fyi, I had depression at the time and it took a long time to get through it. so I hope you all understand especially to my readers and followers. Srsly, I feel so bad..I'm so sorry .. If you all want to unfollow me, then please don't hesitate to do it .. Sorry for the grammar mistakes. 


Uwaaaaaa  first sekali,  Ijahh nk minta maaf sebab dah lama xupdate.. Sejujurnya Ijahh sibuk sngt.. Siang malam pagi petang ada kelas tambahan..  I'm so sorry  Tahun ni ijahh ada exam penting!!!!!!! Please pray for me  Oh ya!  Terima kasih sebab sudi follow ijahh dan beri komen² positif wlaupun ijahh tahu yg ijahh memang anoyying  huhuhuhu


Sebenarnyakan... setiap kali Ijah tulis, mesti Ijah akan baca balik apa yg ijah tulis tu pastu mesti padam balik.. sbb Ijah rasa pelik dgn tatabahasa dan ayat Ijah  pastu takut pembaca semua tak faham apa yg Ijah tulis.. sbb tulha smpai skrng xsiap lagi.. hahahahaha. Asyik padam tulis padam tulis ja.. Alahai~


Maaf sbb dah lama tak update.. Ijah busy sngat².. Tapi xper... lagi 2 hari Ijah dah tak sibuk dah  sklh sudah mula cuti maaaa~  doakan Ijah ada ada mood nk tulis dan sambung balik cerita yg dh tergendala... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA  nnti mungkin Ijah akan buat cerita baru.. mungkin lha.. tapi jgn risau.. cerita sbelum ni Ijah ttap akan teruskan juga.. huhu... SUPPORT IJAH TAUUU!!!!