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" h -hey ! what's that glare for ???? " the women had been startled awake from the door having busted open out of nowhere a glowing red ginger towering in the doorway . ( it seemed like it at least .. ) she'd decided to steal her brothers much comfier bed since he had been at work for hours now , having felt too lazy that day to join him there . especially from having to use her ability so much the day before .. the redheads murderous aura was already scaring her though and she had quickly sat up with a pillow held tightly in her arms . a horrible act of self defense in all honesty .. " s stay back or I'll throw this at your head ! y - yeah I have this super powerful ability s so run away whilst you can ! "
oh this was so undeniably stupid . the brunnete couldnt help but think , standing outside the chibis home in the rain no less his currant attire consisting of messily wrapped banadages , an oversized shirt , and colorful boxer shorts ... god it was cold .. but he had still stood on the pattered cement infront of the heavy looking Glass doors , both barefoot and shaking as he had repeadily pressed the buzzer to the executives penthouse . number 2N .. how ironic ......
" no ! .. that movie was just horrible for a person like me to watch is all .. " ( @hatrxck-
" odaaaa ! I dont - .. dont like himmmm ! I swear . " the teen paused for a moment , giggling before sticking his tongue out with a drunken whine . " slugs aren't supposed to .. to be hot especially gross snarling and slobbering doggs and yet .. ahhhhhhh odaaaa odasaakuuuuuu m ... m a simpppppppppp ! " another whine had fallen from the brunnetes lips , head falling to smack against the table . soon raising back up with sudden disoriented determination as he had began to sway on his feet . " nooo... noo , m not a simppp .. anyone would r r *HIC* react the same to chi bibkos growl .. m not the on.. nly onee ! " god he was absolutely drunk off his ass - / dazai is extremely shit faced and thinks chuuyas odasaku and rants about him / sheds his true opinion he'd never ever say when sober .
the teens flush had instantly grew , hiding his face with a drunken whine . ( @hatrxck-
" shittttt ! " the brunnete whined the moment she had managed to drop her bag , embarrassment beginning to flush on the younger women's face at the given situation . .. one being she had just been about to head to the office to demand for a new skirt BECAUSE it was far too small for her body type in the first place , and second she was wearing said skirt due to the schools strict regulations and rules on the matter despite the pure embarrassment shes been put through all day . speaking of which she should probably try and ask around for a new dres shirt too while shes at it .. that was just as restricting as the skirt was , and one of the higher buttons had already broken loose from having to grab her pen from the floor earlier in class . .. to be precise that had probably been 20 minutes ago . ah that stupid chibi would probably be laughing in her face right now if she were to witness this .. hell , she probably make another ' slut ' joke sense she had thought the horribly fitting clothes were osamus fault in a means of attention - in truth , she was hoping no one would witness this as she had kneeled very carefully to the ground , using one hand to keep her skirt down whilst the other had moved to quickly retrieve her bag . / fem soukoku school au :))
" hmpt ! quit blowing smoke into my face you stupid mutt . "
no... ........... no . no . NO. NO ! they were so CLOSE - glassy coffee had only continued to stare down at the mess of water , blood , and a mass of destruction and debris .. bandaged hands shook as they had moved to grasp at the torn jacket on the smallers frame , tears finally beginning to fall as his own clownery of a facade had finally crumbled with the rest of the prison around them . chuuya was ... dead .. his chibi was DEAD. oh god how he hadnt wanted to believe it ... he had been too late .. his carefully constructed plan had .. had FAILED -
" I im not si- ha ~ CHh ! " ... wine brown hues had only continued to glare in defiance despite the sneeze that had managed to sneak its way out , face flushed with the long going fever and embarrassment still very much heating up the poor teenagers body . son of a bitch.
" much . although either whiskey or water will help even more to get this god awful taste out of my mouth .. " ( @hatrxck-
osamu huffed as he had eventually leaned back , falling back into the comforting touch . ( @hatrxck-
" jingle bells chuuya smells ~ hes so small today ! yelling screaming nipping growling raging all the way ~ " / PRAISE ME FOR I HAVE CREATED THIS BEUTIFUL SONG IN LESS THEN A SECOND -
the brunnete shivered and huddled closer on the couch , wine brown hues glaring in a means of : don't say a fuckin word otherwise I'll shoot you. this mission had already been a pain in the ass to begin with , but the cherry on fucking top was the fact that the place they were ordered to stay in was a rickety old two roomed cabin with a few barley covered holes in the walls and no heaters nearby whatsoever . the taller teenager had currantly been wrapped in multiple blankets , practically perched on his slug of a partners lap as both he and the annoying ginger had huddled together closer for warmth . not one of his best moments in all honesty ..
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