
Wow just typeing a quick rant can make you feel on top of the world


Honestly since nobody looks at this I'm just gonna want and I'll probably delete it tommorow


If you see this just ignore it I'll be fine by morning probably and I'll figure out how to deal with stuff then


@haunted_housewife I've been feeling so shitty lately and I keep getting headaches and I never wanna hang out with anybody and little things keep annoying me like people talking or coughing and I can't stand my family and I don't know why because either love them so much but right now everything they do makes me mad and I just want to live in my own and I want people to stop texting and calling me but at the same time I want more people to text and call me and all I wanna do is hang out with this person but I'm to nervous to ask and a lot of people are annoyed at me and none of my anxiety copeing methods feel like they are working 


Spoilers for Ms. Marvel comics
           Ms. Marvel is also told that inhumans (what she is) are better than everyone else throughout her comics and she never once thinks maybe they are better. Her only response is "there's always that one group of people who think they have special permission to terrorize anybody who disagrees with them. And then everybody who looks like them suffers. Not again. Never again," this is also awesome because she's Muslim and she is referenceing 9/11 and how people were even more biased twords Muslims. She's also great because she actually feels remorse after she hurt someone during a fight. I haven't really seen superheroes ever show regret when they hurt someone, but she is genuinely concerned and that shows a lot of compassion and humanity on her part. Finally, she never follows anything blindly. In one comic she becomes an avenger but quits because she realizes that what they're doing is wrong even if she is working with her heros. 
          Sorry for incorrect grammar


Spoilers for Ms. Marvel comics
          Ok but honestly Ms. Marvel is the most underrated super hero ever. Not because of her powers ir her morals or her looks, but because of how relatable she is and not the kind if relatable where she drinks out of a coffee pot or just wants a nap. No she's the relatable where she tries to do the right thing, but it is sometimes the wrong thing. She learns by making mistakes and she still has to deal with the consequences of those mistakes instead of just "learning" from them. She also has a hard time balancing her family life with her hero life and you don't see really see a lot of super heros actually dealing with it. Another reason she's so great is in vol 3 she meets a guys and he seems like her dream guy. The guys offers to take her to school and she agrees. Then instead if taking her to school he takes her to the docks and she Immediately tells him to stop and take her back to school. I love this because it isn't played off like a romantic gesture and she isn't all flattered by it. This is awesome because she didn't consent to go somewhere else.