
/   getting to everything soon, loves <333 in the meantime, I would love some ideas for lil dottie drabbles i can write on my main account (@zoramones) and hopefully on here eventually


when's  he  gonna  ask  you  out,   again?


WISH  YOU  WERE  HERE,   @hauntedmothers :
            jesus  h.  christ,   it's  like  high  school.    {  there's  not  even  a  little  bit  of  irritance  in  william's  tone  as  he  finishes  peeling  his  sister's  apple,  watching  her  with  a  tender  smile.  }    don't'cha  always  go  to  the  lake?   that  means  he's  gonna  make  it  real  special.   dunno  how  you  doll  up  a  lake,   but  i  know  he'd find  a  way  t'do  it  for  you.


@fathersloss-   ..   hm.   i-i   dunno …   :]   [ dottie hums dreamily with honeyed lilt in her voice. she’s so happy she could burst out into giggles. ]   tom said   he’d   call   me   tomorrow   (…)   maybe   we’ll   go   to   the   lake ..


sit  down,   dots.   i  got  news  :D
          *   telling  her  eliza  is pregnant  :') 


WISH  YOU  WERE  HERE,   @hauntedmothers :
            i  (do)  smile.    {  what  billy  shoots  back  isn't  a  sharp  quip  in  the  slightest,   eyes  almost  dancing  with  a  mirth  he  once  believed  he  couldn't  have,   and  if  he  did,   he'd  lost  it.   his  hands,   calloused  with  work  and  pistols  and  hours  away,   wring  together  as  he  leans  his  arms  onto  his  knees,   not  even  chastising  for  dottie's  nail-biting  in  the  admittedly  soft  way  he  typically  would.  }   eliza's  pregnant.   {  he  says,   because  there's  no  other  way  that  william  will  function  if  he's  not  being  painfully  upfront.  }    she's,   uh,   'bout  three  months  along.   you're  gonna  be  an  aunt,  dolly  dots.
            *    they  are  so ,, 


@fathersloss-   …   o-oh —   okay ,  okay!!   i-i’m ..  i’m   sitting   down.  [ dottie fusses with him over his urgent request. stopping what she’s doing on the other side of the living room, she scurries over to the touch where billy is sitting. then, she scoots down, crossing one leg over the other and begins fidgeting with her hands. ]   what’s   so   important   that   you   gotta   rush   me   for??  [ the woman asks, her words slightly muffled by her thumb in her mouth. she’s munching on her nails when she realises… he’s looking at her different. dottie’s eyes widen slightly and her face contorts in subtle confusion as she says , ]   (…)   hey..   :/   (…)   you’re   smiling..  you —   you  never smile.   :|
            /   dottie’s slow realization has my heart <333


sorry.   that's  my  dad,   he's  just—   god,   he's  annoying.   you  get  it.
          *   a*vin  calling  while  she's  at  dottie's  house ,,  take  that  man's  phonebook  away  from  him ! 


@fromgallows-   …    (   again   ) ?   really??   this … th-this   is   the —   the   (   third   )   time   he’s   called here   (   today   ) !    :/    (…)   does   this   man   not have   a —   a   job??
            /   get a job!! stay away from her!!!


hi ma'am !!   d'you like cookies ?  


(  @hauntedmothers  )
            :0   you. are. right!!   we agree, ma'am!   i got a bone to pick with whoever decided to mix oatmeal raisin with cookie for the first time. they're the TOTAL worst. do not fear, i will NEVER bring those around. 


@btchsmile-   …   i-i   (…)   i   don’t   like   the   oatmeal   raisin   ones.   they’re —   they’re   the   worst   kind!!  >:[


(  @hauntedmothers  )
            right??   the pretentious bakers looove to over-complicate this. what's wrong with ol' reliable chocolate chip?   well, they're still warm..  if you wanna give me a  nice'n simple review.