
this message may be offensive
I fucking re read my book and omg I cringed so bad at the start of it- but as I went on I could feel the change (or more like growth) in the way I write…so since the book has come to end I might re-work on some parts as well as post this book on Ao3…what do yall think about it?


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I fucking re read my book and omg I cringed so bad at the start of it- but as I went on I could feel the change (or more like growth) in the way I write…so since the book has come to end I might re-work on some parts as well as post this book on Ao3…what do yall think about it?


Help needed! Shld we just go with the epilogue or yall need more filler chapters??! 


@havicted keep posting filler chapters!!! maybe just a few more and then end it <3 I'm so sorry I haven't read as much lately!! I have been a little busy. I'll read as soon as I can!! (ASAP!! As soon as POSSIBLE!!)