

/  wait pls on oncecaptains




Do you ever see us growing old together?


@blackwidcw      …
            [  Clint glances over, one eyebrow raised.  ]  Growing old? With our track record?  [  He lets out a short chuckle.  ]  I’m just hoping we survive long enough to make it to retirement.  
            [  he pauses, then adds more softly,  ]  But yeah. I see it. Someday. Maybe.  [  His tone is matter-of-fact, but there's a hint of hope beneath the typical pragmatism.  ]
            Beats the alternative,  [  he says, returning to cleaning his bow, but his slight smile suggests he's given the idea more thought than he's letting on.  ]



/  wait pls on oncecaptains




❝  THAT'S IT ,  GREG !  WE'RE / DONE / .  ❞  natasha exclaimed ,  taking off her faux engagement ring && throwing it at clint .  it was a mission - one that left them both deep undercover for a little over a month now .  two recently engaged americans wanting to follow tourist traps throughout barcelona ,  spain .  natasha played the part of a ditzy brunette called 'rachel' ,  vain && often careless with her items .  it was fun for a while ,  tailing a high-profile target with intel able to send their government into a tizzy but now they were on their last leg && had to retrieve the intel or the mission was a bust .
          clint knew the routine .  they'd practiced it in their shared hotel room over && over .  her throwing the engagement ring would send their target looking at the scene && while there would be an attempt at consoling her poor fiance ,  natasha would take the chip from their targets pocket && be on her way .  clint would then follow ,  attempting to talk down 'rachel's' dramatics before she hailed a cab out of there .  they would proceed to leave together in said cab ,  with no one the wiser as to what happened to the chip .
          suffice to say ,  the plan was executed flawlessly .  there wasn't anyone following them && no trackers on them to speak of besides the ones from shield .  it was rare for these things to go this well && natasha knew clint was as cautious as she was in the field .  it was looking in the vanity of their shared bathroom mirror that natasha removed her earrings && makeup that natasha finally relaxed .  she proceeded with the rest of her routine ,  taking off all the falsehoods of her persona before looking to clint .  with him handling the transfer && them / technically / finishing up early ,  they had at least another six hours before having to take off back to the usa .
          [  1/2  ]


@widcwbites       …
            clint’s eyes were fixed on something in the middle distance, processing. mission complete, but his mind was still parsing through every detail. it wasn't unusual - this was the moment where every operative double-checked their mental checklist, running scenarios, potential complications. 
            however, clint's silence wasn't peaceful. it was the kind of quiet that pressed against the walls of the hotel room, heavy and sharp-edged. during the mission, he'd made a call — a split-second decision that got them the intel, that kept their cover intact, that technically worked. but something about it didn't sit right.
            maybe it was the way he'd manipulated a local contact. used leverage that felt too close to blackmail. the target was dangerous, the information critical, but the method... it reminded him too much of his past work. of the person he'd worked hard to stop being.
            he remained silent for a moment, his fingers absently tracing the edge of the hotel room's complimentary notepad. that mission mode was still humming through his veins. he knew natasha was watching him, reading his silence like a language only they understood.
            ❝ WE GOT WHAT WE NEEDED, ❜❜ he said finally, his voice low and flat. but the words didn't sound like a victory. they sounded like a justification. unlike his usual breaking down of their missions, acknowledging their successes through casual commentary and sardonic humor.


❝  / HEY / ,  ❞  natasha began ,  sitting beside clint on the bed before nudging him with her shoulder .  she knew him well enough to know when his mind was working .  usually ,  after a mission ,  clint was talkative .  whether it be jests or complaints at wanting to go home ,  natasha would know he got a little stir crazy 'being' someone else for a little too long .  now ,  however ,  he was silent .  it was unnerving to natasha && so she continued on .  ❝  YOU GOT THAT LOOK ON YOUR FACE .  YOU STILL WITH ME ? ❞
            [  2/2  ]


"You're talking non-sense... even for your own standards. You don't have a concussion again, right? Let me test it: who's your favourite person? I'll know something's definitely wrong with you if the answer isn't *me*."
          // here you goo !! ;)


She was trying really hard not to laugh as she watched him — that look of confusion (?) in his eyes was way too good to resist! "Of course it's you, Katie — *Kate*. You keep saving my a$$! How could it be anyone else?" she changed her voice to try and make an impression of him.
            // haha I'm glad, ty ty !!


*  love this!!


@-HAWKEYES      …
            " i can’t think of any other way to put it, that’s how it is.. "           his voice had a slight gruff to it, followed by a feint shift at her direct question. one he would rather not indulge, though he knew at this point, he already had.        " you’re really asking me that? "


          there was something unplaceable about the spirit that glimmered just past her bright eyes. always a hint of mystery and mischief, which would keep clint’s attention reasonably captured. 
          he couldn’t resist reciprocating the mood. his body faintly mirrored her gestures, a determined challenge in his tone.         ❝ call me your fairy godmother —- actually, please don’t.. but you get the idea. anything. you name it. ❜❜    


          a small laugh escaped him, a cheeky grin worn without shame. though the playful antics were tamed as he leaned forward, accepting the drink.          ❝ don’t mention it. ❜❜          clint’s voice and features softened before he suggested a toast. there was an 
          underlying fondness evident in his gaze, he raised his glass partially.           ❝ happy birthday, tasha  (…)   make a wish...ᐟ ❜❜    


                 he merely feigned innocence at her retort, his grin only growing from there as he stepped forward.
          doing as he was told, he removed his jacket before meeting natasha across the counter, leaning against it.          ❝ i listened this time. nothing too big.. you’re still missing out on cake and party poppers though. ❜❜