
Thank you All for following me read my book if u haven't yet and as soon as I'm done with my tests I will be updating more chapters and I'm already working on another book 


as i said, im really sorry. it just slips out, sometimes good, sometimes not.
          ill refrain from commenting wrong spellings.
          again, it bugs me. half the time you guys don't mind, but that is a special case i guess, when you guys dont mind. but lemme just say, I don't know that feeling. i'm homeschooled and see stuff on the news and it horrifies me to think that that type of stuff goes on in a middle school. i'm not trying to be rude. i just say wrong things sometimes.
          I just can't understand it because i dont know it, i know how much pain it can cause, but i never will ACTUALLY know. 
          again, im really sorry.


:) yay! were good!


Thank you for understanding sometimes I wished I was homeschooled so I didn't have to deal with mean ppl I didn't mean to make u feel like u were rude just sometimes the simplest things can make me upset  I'm sorry  


found you


I did count u shaden :)


@directionerX2001 lol no i ment the yiu said sisterssssss sense the s so its a plural so more than one so i thought you includid me as you sister but i guess not :'(