AsSalaamualaikum and Hello, everyone! Wow, it has been SO long since I last posted a message or an update on Wattpad. I am extremely overwhelmed by the messages I have received from all of you. Even if I haven't responded to you all, know that I have read your messages and am so thankful for the endless love, concern, and prayers. May Allah SWT bless you all with immense Barakah. First of all, I am sorry for being AWOL. A lot has happened, but Alhamdullilah I am well and for everything. I have just been letting life happen. :) Second of all, even though it has been 2.5 years since the last chapter of 'TSWKH' was published, I want you to all know the story is yet to be completed, and in sha Allah when Allah SWT wills the chapters will be published here one by one. We can't leave Firdaus and Ridwan's story as incomplete. Please continue to keep me in your prayers! I appreciate you all so much. Let me know how you are all doing! Hope to see old and new faces. Love, always!