
this message may be offensive
sorry I have not posted a second chapter yet. I just lost a cousin that I was really close with and I am currently taking it really hard. I also have dumb ass stupid hoe ass friends and I just droped my bestfriend bc she really tore down my confidence every chance she got, and that also put me in a really bad place (but I am slowly coming out of it). I was almost done with the second chapter then it some how didn't save when I exited the app and it deleted the whole chapter, and that really made me unmotivated to re-do it. I have been working on the second chapter little by little but it may take a while.


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sorry I have not posted a second chapter yet. I just lost a cousin that I was really close with and I am currently taking it really hard. I also have dumb ass stupid hoe ass friends and I just droped my bestfriend bc she really tore down my confidence every chance she got, and that also put me in a really bad place (but I am slowly coming out of it). I was almost done with the second chapter then it some how didn't save when I exited the app and it deleted the whole chapter, and that really made me unmotivated to re-do it. I have been working on the second chapter little by little but it may take a while.