
Thank you to all those who have and continue to support me. I thank you personally. It’s been quite a journey so far, and this year has definitely had its ups and downs for everyone. But here we are, with a whole new year on the horizon. I’m excited, lot of great things on their way! Thank you again :) 


Thank you to all those who have and continue to support me. I thank you personally. It’s been quite a journey so far, and this year has definitely had its ups and downs for everyone. But here we are, with a whole new year on the horizon. I’m excited, lot of great things on their way! Thank you again :) 


If you are seeing this, you are going to prosper. You are experiencing a new part of your life where you will bloom into a better version of yourself and flourish. Change is coming your way; love is coming your way; peace and clarity are coming your way. You have nothing to fear and even less to worry about. Your dark days will be over, and your soul will witness sunshine. Be patient, you are going to prosper. ✨❤️


Thank you!!!! 


My favorite holiday (maybe, still considering) ! 
          I got good news, better news, and best news! 
          Just kidding they’re all the same thing, for the most part. The Commanders of Lucy, a book of war, politics, and aliens. It is the product of nearly 8 months of planning. It wasn’t originally named The Commanders of Lucy either. I’m really excited for its release. On December 15 check it out. In other news I love everyone and hope you check it out or one of my other, NOW COMPLETED, books Kratz or The Wish Collector :) both have received nothing but good reviews! If you’re looking for a shorter read check out The Wish Collector, Kratz is a little longer and the New release will probably be in the middle :) stay safe and warm!!!! 


Hi! Sorry for barging in and for the sudden message. I just wanted to promote my story or the story I've written. 
          If it interests you or doesn't bother you at all, please read: THE LIFE OF SERENA SMITH. I've been wanting to share this with all of you and it would mean a lot of if vote, comment and share with your friends. I'll follow you right after I post this message, so if you could, please please a million please follow me back. Thank you very much. 