
betapa aku sanggup download shopee sebab nak tengok kcon MWAHAHAHAHHA nyan nyan dasar takde life


until now i still don’t know why if i read a fanfic with a princess character i would always imagined her as solar in any fanfic like that even if i tried to imagine someone else solar kept appearing 
          *flashback to hip mv*


i like to always be on wattpad to calm myself down and be with the community because even if we couldn’t even know the person behind all these accounts, but somehow for me, these people are really nice, knowing that everyone deserves to be fine, everyone needs a friend especially during this whole thing happening this year, it’s just, i loved how lovely everyone in here would be.
          it’s 1 a.m. and i suddenly got emotional what’s wrong with me


happy eid mubarak everyone!!! stay safe okay!!! make your time well spent with your family!
          >>selamat hari rayaaa ha makan puas puas ngeeehehheh dah gi duduk dengan family sana shuuuhhh jangan nak gatai pi beraya pulak<<