Hey guys, new awards ! Sesiapa yang nak karya korang be the one of the winner bolehlah join. Rules and how to participate just click the link below okies ♥
Hey guys, new awards ! Sesiapa yang nak karya korang be the one of the winner bolehlah join. Rules and how to participate just click the link below okies ♥
Hai guys, saya nk buat satu pengumuman. My on going novel will be HIATUS for awhile sebab saya nak focus on my preparation for my exam this March. So yeah, i will stop updating and wish me luck too ! >_<
And saya akan kembali semula, so stay tune okay ? Alright itu je sorry ganggu notification korang. Bye-bye ! Hiks ^o^.
Assalamualaikum, sis. Thank you sbb sudi baca and vote citer sy. Sy x pandai nk tulis novel sebenarnya. By the way, sy sebenarnya suka citer yg sis tulis. Sy doakan semoga sis mendptkan apa yg sis inginkan dan berjaya di dunia dan akhirat.
Hello guys, sesiapa yang berminat untuk karya korang lebih dikenali bolehlah turut serta dalam awards ni. For rules and how to participate just click the link below okay ! ♥
Moh serbu ramai-ramai !