
thanks!!!! I'll be sure to check out your story. it sounds really good!!!


Hey....you know, nothing in today's world is free...blame it on the economics...
          but actually reading any one of my story, is absolutely free....sounds like a good deal? :D
          Dusk Before Nightfall-Avan is living her life, like those stereotyped characters, who is new to the university-NMU, is quite an introvert, but then meets this playboy-Chris.....all goes perfect, until she falls in love with him. sounds nothing new? well, the story begins now, after taking off her virginity, she is treated like trash................and he leaves her forever...or so it seems? after a while, she discovers quite a secret, but she isn't as sure of it. The secret involves her enemy, Isabella and .....Chris.........who seems to have had a dark past, full of lies and cruelty, even beyond. Meanwhile, pressured by friends, Avan starts living a new life, and so she begins getting very much close to Luke, one of Chris's friends, who in turn seems to have a genuine interest in her.....but what of Chis? and his past.....a huge crime? is it?
          my second story is-Condemend, based on how we sterotype harlots or prostitutes....
          its a short story. 
          Oh and its nothing about Vampires/pregnancy/werewolves.....enough of it, right? ;)


hey (: 
          i'm sorry to bother you, but i was wandering if you could read 
          my story Medony? ;D 
          it's not good or anything, thats why i need feedback, (: 
          wellll, if you have time that would be amazing<3 
          but i understand if not <3 
          wellll ; take care (:


          so a bit of self advertising...;)
          I wrote down two stories, one of them being a short one.
          Condemned and Dusk Before Nightfall...
          The former being the short story about 'Harlots' and we stereotyped humans.
          The latter is totally a romantic story, but its more than 'sex/pregnancy/vampires/werewolves/virginity'...honestly we need a bit more of mature and sensible stories, don't we? ;D
          Its about 'love'...which tells about the various dimensions about it from Avantika's point of view as well as her better half's ;) and its with surprises ;)
          so try reading it...........and if you don't, no problem ;)
          Thank you.


Hey There!
          I'm Cathy, And I Would Really Like For You to Read My Stuff, I Have Stories And Poetry Galore! And I Recommend Keep Your Heart, I Want Your Blood, The STory I Am Currently Addicted to writing! (:
          Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, At War With Each Other. Brutal Attacks From Werewolves Directed At Shifters, Leave The Shifters With No Choice But An Alliance...With Vampires, One Of There Sworn Enemies. Completely Desperate They Send June, A Young Teenage Girl, Along With Her Friends, Include Two Very Hot Boys, Val And Just, Off To Protect High Ranking, Sexy Vampires. A Cute Shifter Wolf, A Blood-Sucking Hotty, And An Over Protective Best Friend, All Play A Part In This Story, causing Whatever Mayhem They Can, But Petty Teen Relationships Aren't They're Only Problem...There's Been A Leak. The Werewolves Keep Finding Them, Meaning Only One Thing...There's A Traitor. But We Can't Forget Jealous Girlfriends, And Boys Who Are In Love With Their Best Friend! Even Though They're On An Important Mission, They Can't Seem To Keep Your Hands Off Each Other.
          sorry to disappoint, or happy to relieve you, no sex scenes.
          PLEASE LOOK AT IT!
          I'll try and return the favorrr(:
          ....LMAO, I Love Your Page Theme!!