I'll be updating Oreo early, tomorrow, because I'm gonna be busy in Seattle this weekend.
And as a heads up for anyone who actually bothers reading it, there will probably only be a little less than 20 chapters left before it's end. Then, I'l go through some more editting and revising throughout the whole of the boom. I'll also be giving it a new cover within the next few week (illustrated by yours truly and way better than the first).
But don't worry! In the meantime the final editting process, I will also be working on the sequel :). No idea what it will be called - yet. But I probably won't be posting anything for it until I've written 10 chapter for it.
I miiiight post the prologue as a sneak peak, though ;) only after I come up with a place-holder title. There will also be a teaser at the end of Oreo, just because I can~.
Anyways, that's the update~