Hello! Which character from M series (who doesn't have their own book) would you like to have her/his own book? I'm thinking of writing an action genre again
Our semester has finally ended. I have now the time to update and hopefully finish my story before I'll get busy again.
Will update Her Elicit Felicity soon.
Hello! I have recently published a new story entitled : Her Elicit Felicity. I hope you'll give this a shot :)))
Updates will be every Tuesday, 8:00pm.
I have created a Twitter account solely for my Wattpad endeavors. If you'd like to be more updated with my stories and stuffs kindly follow @xxi_hazel
Thank you :))
Hello :)
Since tapos ko naman na po ang season 2 ng The Mafia Bitch. I have decided to make new story. I have published the opening for Iñigo's story. I hope you'll support Iñigo as much as how supported Angel's. Thank you.