
I was gonna send u a message but something about violation yadda Yadda Yadda. well I was gonna say that i try to remain a neutral person in most things but i like how you are very opinionated. and also dude, I refuse to judge  what might be a good thing without brushing the dust off.people only write what they know and I might be' accepting stupidity' as you so graciously put it but who are we to know what is stupid from what is intelligent. Half of the bad boy books I read are cliché and also sexist and by my standards stupid and every time I read them I think the writer needs a check-up but they also have amazing plots and the main idea that made he or she want to create this book is still there but hey that's just me. 


@rubiesanddiamonds yeah at first i liked this book too because the main idea was good, but the execution had some major problems. i still read the whole thing tho, it just made me angry a few times. im pretty sure sexism is stupid no matter how we wanna view it, but what can you do. have a nice day :)