ah nice :D glad you finished finals at least
that makes sense. don't feel bad about neglecting the platform, as long as you're happy with what you're doing then its all good
LMAO i'm doing great! just finished finals- it's been 2 months LOL
I don't really have any fics that I'm about to post, bc i'm currently working on one on-going fic and a fic that im going to complete before posting- i feel bad for neglecting this platform lol it's also been 2 months since ive posted here
I'll invite your discord in a bit- I'm Draconixia#2745 btw
Hey man! How you doing?
Uhh yes I just saw this. Now it is also afternoon so ha B)
Inky#1623 (if I didn't give already I dunno my memory is crap)