
@Kadee33 Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying my work :) I'll make sure to check yours out as well :)


I saw that you read a couple chapters of The Book Broken which I cowrite, and I would really love it if you would check out my new book Shift. If you don't that is fine, but it would mean a lot if you do. Thanks anyways. :)


I Fanned You, because I'm very selective in the authors I choose. I generally prefer adult reads and am enjoying the plot and style in which you write. I am looking for readers on my first book and hope you'll take a look. I put your book on my iPhone, which is where I really do my reading. I will finish reading it as soon as I finish Haunting Greg and feydoc's latest book. 


Hey! Thanks so much for your feedback on Worth The World! I though it would be a good idea to come back to you and ask you to re-read it since you-thank goodness-pointed out the biggest flaw. Would you mind checking it out one more time? Thank you!!! :) Oh, and no hate whatsoever:) I just came across waaaaaaaaay differently than I wanted to:)