
     //  cccbbb  
          	 also I don't know if it's canon or not, and if it isn't, arisu definitely got back into playing guitar after the borderlands :3  y'all can't convince me otherwise  


“your symbol - it’s a spade.” the blonde boy spoke up, head lifting. “you shouldn’t go around telling everyone what their symbols are, arisu. people lie to one another. if they think you’re lying to them, they’ll lie to you about your symbol, too.” he stated, huffing. “you trust me, hm? i’ve no benefits from lying to you about your symbol. you’ve been honest with me regarding my own thus far,” he stated.
          / jack of hearts!! :3


@cockydiamonds   ,,
                  eyes  would  narrow  at  this ,  hating  how he   KNEW   chishiya  was right  .  but he  couldn't   help  the  slimmer  of  hope  in  him  .  he  couldn't   help  that  he  wanted   to   help  .  after  the ten of  hearts  game,  he didn't   want to  see anyone   else  die  when  it  didn't   need  that    .    even if  he didn't    know  these  people   ..  back  pressing  against  the wall behind him , he would slide  down  to where  he  was  practically sitting  now   .   ``  and  how  do  I know  you won't   try  lying  ?   I know  you said   you  have  no benefits   from  doing  it  , but  you  could  just  be  saying  that  . ``  eyes  were  now set  on chishiya  as if  trying  to get  a read  on him  .  he  couldn't  help  how  that came  out  rather  blunt  ,   but  he  might  as well get  this  out the  way  .  to address  the mistrust    that  was    still there   . 


chishiya sighed, rubbing his temple. he could tell that arisu didn’t fully trust him — and why would he? chishiya had almost gotten arisu killed for his own benefit. and while chishiya had been sticking with him in a weak attempt to make up for it (he didn’t even know if it was working), this game required strong communication and trust, and if either of them had any issues, it could cost either of them, or both of them, their lives. “see? point proven. everyone here has been lying to you, except for me. you can’t trust them to believe you, either.” he scoffed, head tilting as he spoke.


@cockydiamonds  ,,
                  there  was  a   part of  arisu   that  was iffy about  trusting chishiya  , especially   after  what happened at the beach  . but he  had  put  that behind  him  ,  they  needed  each  other  to  get out   of here  .  so he knew  there  was nothing chishiya   would gain  from making  a  fool out  of  him  again  .  a  huff of air left  arisu rather heavily , eyes  watching  the  others  that were  around  . which  was mainly  that  big group   that  was slowly  becoming  smaller   .   his head would shake  as he looked back  over to the other  male with a frown  on face  . it  would get to the point  of the  people  in smaller groups to be left  at this rate  . and the jack could try and split them a part if they wanted at that  rate  .  ``  only  one  at  most  . and it  was only  one time  . `` he sighs  ,  hands going  through his  hair, almost  tugging  at  the tangles . he stopped   himself, though   


“sorry, did i keep you waiting? had a late shift- something urgent came up,” chishiya shook his head, letting out a breath. “anyway- there’s this new arcade that opened. figured maybe we could go together, since i know how much you enjoy gaming and such.” he shrugged a shoulder, casting a glance over at the other.
          / modern :3


“as long as you don’t think so,” he smiled softly, expression warm. he wasn’t usually so expressive, but he could be.. sometimes. “hm? good- it should be fun, i’ve already heard some reviews.” chishiya admitted. “single player? perhaps. those will probably be harder for me to get used to,” he rubbed his neck. “but i can let you try.”


@cockydiamonds   ,,
                 `` i understand  , it's  no big  deal  . ``  he says , stuffing  his hands into his pockets  .  `` no , no , the arcade  is  fine  . ``  he said  ,  a smile  on face  . `` yea  , of course  .  I'd   love  that  . maybe  teach  you  the ropes  of some of the  single player games  as well . ``  he says , rather  excitedly  for  this  . 


“good. i was trying to hurry, but efficiency doesn’t work well in such circumstances.” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. “mm, if you’re not interested, we can just grab food. i know that you’ve gotten less interested, but.. i figured it’d be a nice break. for the both of us.” he laughed, tone slightly sheepish for once. “me? of course i will. maybe we can play some duo games, yeah? you can teach me the ropes,” he joked, a twinkle in his eye as he spoke.


“we meet again. i’m assuming you passed the /test/ to get into the beach. how did you fare? it must have been easy. they don’t try to give you games that are.. complicated.” he shook his head, chuckling.
          / after arisu gets to the beach fr


“truly a shame, isn’t it. paradise.. may not even exist. but they act like is does. if you had a choice, what would you do to make your own paradise for people? build upon lie after lie, or admit the truth?” he questioned, head tilting to the sky.


@cockydiamonds  ,,
               arisu  just  nodded  to the words  being  spoke  before sighing . just  what he thought ...   it  was   just   some   cold   reality   .   he was beginning  to think if it  was  worth it  that he and usagi found this  place   .    ``  what a waste .. `` he mutters ,  a hand rubbing at his temples  . 


at the question, chishiya paused for a moment. he hesitated, letting out a dry laugh. “no. this place is terrible. there are rules that must be followed. while it may seem like a paradise to most people here because they can drink and party away their sorrows, it’s nothing like that. never will be. can you truly call something /paradise/ if all it is, is a place built on lies?” he questioned, although, it seemed to be mostly rhetorical.


“is.. everyone okay? i heard ruckus. what.. what happened?” chishiya’s voice was quiet, so unlike him. he swallowed thickly, brows pulled together. his thoughts strayed to those who had tried to help him when the king of spades began their attack — but they had ended up separated anyways. days later, and here he was — face to face with arisu.
          / their little reunion after the king of spades :’)


he glanced up, eyes scanning the sky. at hearing of the defeat, he paused. “the king of spades.. that must have been difficult. did anyone die while you fought?” he queried, steadying his voice so that he didn’t show concern. he frowned. “everyone? but.. they’re not dead?” he hoped they weren’t. while he didn’t show his emotions often, he had grown some.. form of attachment to some of the people here, whether he’d admit that or not. “i’m not hurt, so i’m quite alright. managed to clear some games.. isn’t there only one game left?”


@cockydiamonds    ,,
                 arisu   looked  at  chishiya  ,  a small frown on face  . it was  almost strange  hearing  the  quiet  voice  , but he didn't   complain  .  ``  we defeated  the king of spades  ... ``  he stated  which  was  probably  obviously  , but  the  other  had  asked  what  happened   . ``  everyone is  .... they're hurt , badly  .  ``  he wouldn't lie  about the seriousness of it , even though a part of him didn't want chishiya to worry about it  . ``  you hanging in there  ?  ``  he  questioned softly  


“you think you’re all that, huh? just because you actually managed to get to the beach doesn’t mean anything.” he had his gun slung over his shoulder, a glare set on his face. “just stay out of my way, and we won’t have problems.”


@stubborndiamonds   ,,
                ``  wouldn't   that  just  be  contradicting  yourself   then  ?  if  you bother  me  ,  I'll  just be in you  way  . which  is  something   you said  you didn't   want  .  ``  he  just wanted the male  to  leave  him alone  at this  point  .   this  was  beginning   to  feel  rather unnecessary   


he scoffed, arms crossing as he stared. “oh? i can do whatever i want. if i want to bother you.. i will. what will you do about it? you wouldn’t get very far if you tried anything,” he laughed, obviously mocking him.


@stubborndiamonds   ,,
                 a look of nervousness  and confusion was  on face  at the other .  `` as long as you don't bother  me  or my  friend , and I won't  bother you  . ``  he says ,  eyes narrowed slightly at  the male . yea , the gun made him feel nervous , but he pushed through that 


" sit still " she told the other placing a hand on his shoulder as she tried to get some blood off his face after the game they had just finished. 


@fastspadcs   ,,
                ``   i am . ``  he says ,  a slight heavy breath leaving  him . maybe it was because of her  closeness  that made him feel a bit clammy , but he would blame it  on the game  they  just finished  .   ``  is that  bad ? ``