
I genuinely miss him it’s not a joke this time 


I was sitting down with a friend and this dude came up to me and asked me out to dance i told him no because i dont know how to dance (i do but i didnt want to dance with him) and he left, later he came up to me and tried to force me to dance with him and i said no so he grabbed my face and told me i was beautiful and i pushed his hand away and he grabbed my hands my thighs and saod do you have a boyfriend i said yes to keep him away and then he told me "so everyone has a boyfriend now?" and then he told me how old am i and i told him im 13 and be said "you are a lier youre not 13 you look older and dont ha e the body of a 13 year old, you look about 18-19 years old and im 24 so there is no wrong in dancing with me" and i started to cry because i told him no many times and he would not listen so i grabbed my friends hand and went with my family. Im a wrestler and i didnt use that to my advanteges