
Oh, how I need coffee right not, writing about drinking it doesn't make the craving any better. Does Starbucks deliver?


I hate when you're writing a scene you think is so clever and original and you're in your happy place, and eventually you go back to edit the same scene and you're wondering what ever happened. The scene that you thought was so incredibly clever was something a five year old could write! 


The dystopian story that I was planning on putting up is on hold because it’s giving me a tough time, so, because it has put me into a funk, I’m working on a new story called Time Capsule. I started said story last night and I got a lot of it written already, so I might put the blurb, the intro note and first chapter up soon. I hope you all like it.


I might not post another chapter until this weekend or sometime next week as I'll be very busy. 
          Magical Tabby is coming to a close soon, I think that there is one more chapter after this one but I may be wrong. This may be the last one. What do you think of a sequel kind of deal but a few years in the future?
          I got a idea for another story but I'll need a few months to write and revise it because this school year is very hectic for me. But if I post a blurb would anyone take a look at it? It's kind of like a dystopian story and will be longer then 6 chapters.


Hiiii everyone, I was going to put up a chapter of Magical Tabby yesterday but I had a 8 hour shift on Black Friday and didn't get home until 1:30 this morning, so the only thing I was going to then was sleep. Hopefully I’ll get around to posting a chapter today; most of it is written I just have to add a few things here and there.


@heartsraingingdown Awesome! I'll be waiting :D
            Btw do you think you could check out my short story, I'd love to hear your feedback :P