
totally join if you're cool like that 


oli wondered aimlessly around the school , completely and utterly lost . somehow , he found himself at the tourney field . he looked around , noticing a familiar figure . “ jay ! you have no idea how lost i am right now . i’ve been here for a week and somehow i’ve only managed to find the places i’m *not* looking for . ”


{ @-swordswiper }
            “ well , i was trying to find the music room . i feel awkward playing my guitar and singing when people are in the dorms , but i’ve had this melody stuck in my head all day , so i wanted to try and do something with it , ” he explained with a slight smile .


" oh, well i can show you around ? where are you headed ? "
            jay asked, putting all of his gear down.


*  new theme aha
          cb or drop


@-swordswiper /  intro please ! <3


@-swordswiper // on carlos or whateva /lh


@-swordswiper / yes please! anything really (:


༄  evie has always admired mal as soon as they made up for the bullying and all,  this little admiration soon enough evolved to butterflies forming in her stomach and a heated face at just the mere thought of mal.  so when she got with ben,  she felt her heart shatter into a million pieces -  she tried to push away any romantic feelings towards mal . . .  just bottle it up . . .  for her friends!  it was like that bottle spilled though,  her heart shattering again and a pained look entering her eye  " your -  your joking,  right jay?  shes . . .  shes not gone!  please! "  she looked desperate for him to tell her this was all some cruel and silly little game,  who was she without mal? 
          // fanon not canon mal


" evie , i- i wish i was joking , i'm sorry . . . " jay mumbled, wiping his face as a tear almost feel down his eye. 


༄  carlos never got along with his mother,  but that never meant he didnt care.  so when it was announced that she was found death,  cause was unknown.  his heart was shattered,  she never cared for him and she made that obvious.  but he still loved her like the mother she never was to him,  it was so hard for him to calm down -  choking on his sobs as he desperately look down.  why did this have to happen?  " its just . . .  not -  FAIR! "  he cried out and hid his face,  it was a pitiful sight to see and could rip anybody's  heartstrings. 


"i know... shh.. i know.." he muttered as he tried to wrap carlos in a warm embrace. "i know.. it's not fair. but listen to me, carlos, it's going to be okay."


" can we talk?  please jay? "


" they / them . . "  evie whispered and looked away with a soft sigh


" hm , okay. what do you want to go as? "


" I -  i dont necessarily LIKE going by she / her "