
Decided to write a story about Larry even though I said I wasn't going to haha


Okay the name of the story will most likely probably be "Secrets of the Madrugada" Madrugada is the word for the time between midnight and dawn, in Spanish. I'm not sure what the story will be about yet, there's many ideas in my head, but I'm sure I'll keep the word "Madrugada" in the title.


Oh, and I'll never ever write about anybody real, like One Direction or any celebrities or people in books, I might get their personalities wrong and get facts about them wrong so it's just not happening. I tried making a fan fiction once on another site about a book trilogy that I really love (the Delirium Trilogy if anybody's interested), and I got so much hate for messing up a part, it discouraged me so bad I never wrote again, only for myself. But now I'm willing to try again because here I don't have to write fan fiction about a book, I can write just a normal story about anything.... 


I think I'm gonna try and start writing a story... I already have made several different covers and chosen a title, I made sure nobody else had a story with that title, I don't know why, a lot of people make stories on here with titles like other stories, but I wanted mine to be unique, it's just a pet peeve of mine to have something named the same as someone/something else.