
Going to be posting Part 10 of Exchange Student at Hogwarts soon! With 48 hours. Thanks for your continued patience everyone - a cross country move and a new life took a lot of me. 


6.1.2016 - just wanted to let everyone know that I'll be getting back into the swing of things regarding writing. I needed to take a breather to move across the country. I've also been entertaining some friends that are in town. Once they leave, it will free up my time to get back to my WattPad community. Thanks for all the votes and follows while I've been on my hiatus. 


2.28.2016 - Currently working on revamping 'My Transfer Experience at Hogwarts'. I realized I don't want to go forward with not liking quite a few things with the story. Therefore, I'm doing some revisions and will be re-posting when I'm done with the changes.


hey im back and I've promoted u to holy my friend told her ur great and gave her ur books


@CatherineFee thanks for the promotions. I'm glad you are enjoying them. By the way, were you able to access Chapter 18 of MTEAH? I ask because Wattpad made it private and I'm not sure if they changed it back to public. 


In regards to My Transfer Experience at Hogwarts: Chapter Eighteen will be very explicit. Not suited for all readers, as it will be above a rated R. If this style of writing bothers you, please message me and depending on how many requests I get for this, I will write a toned down version of the chapter.