

just a reminder that when america sneezes the world catches the cold
          those who have voted for trump, do not care about many things but have not thought of the impact it has not only on their own country but the entire world. i am appalled by the choices of america, and only see disaster striking with trump as president. 


I don’t know if this is just in my head or not but I remember reading Elite and it was a completed book. If that was the case would you ever consider releasing those chapters again?


I am trying to find the inspiration to write again, especially with Elite by keep re reading the book as a viewer, and hoping something clicks. the chapters that have been going through editing, were sooooo bad that i could never release those again. I am truly just hoping that something clicks and the last 6 chapters will get uploaded soon


life got worse maybe i will stop writing


I am sorry about that I really hope you are doing well <3
            Despite that I really want to tell you that you are no doubt one of my top 3 authors on wattpad. I can’t tell you how many times I have re-read your books and I feel the same connection and emotions every time. Life is very tricky and never seems to get easier but I hope you get the strength to become stronger and make it a tiny bit easier 


please don’t stop writing, you’re amazing!✨


Hey everyone! I know it’s been a long minute since you’ve seen an update for Elite, maybe 7-8 months?? I’m going to be blunt, this has been the worst summer of my life, and I haven’t found that self of happiness to be able to write. I come up with ideas, for example, my teen wolf fanfic, and I can’t seem to get any further than the idea. I am not myself and have failed to get back to the way I was. 
          Of course I miss my GG fanfic, and I miss writing about Victoria and Nate, but on my life I just am not getting too far with my mental well-being. I am sorry that I am depriving you of Elite, but I swear there have been several occasions where I’ve gone to write but just end up staring blankly at the remaining 5/6 chapters. I hope I can come back soon, I hope the tears and pain will stop. 
          Thank you for the continuous support on Elite and on my other books, I see you and I appreciate you!